Our maps are indispensable tools for your excursions and stays. All available in paper and digital versions!
The Matawinie parks offer you a unique experience near Montreal
List of maps by park
National Trail
The following maps are displayed from West to East
Sentier de l’Inter Centre
Saint-DonatSentier du Mont-Ouareau
Saint-Donat and Notre-Dame-de-la-MerciSentier du Crique Saint-Loup and Sentier de la rivière Dufresne
Notre-Dame-de-la-MerciSentier du Massif
Notre-Dame-de-la-Merci This map shows all the trails in the Massif and Pont-Suspendu sectors of the Ouareau Forest Regional Park. An entrance fee applies to access these trails. The map includes the Massif trail from km 0 to km 23. The end of the trail (km 23 to km 25.5) is on the Contreforts Trail map (National trail).Sentier des Contreforts
Notre-Dame-de-la-Merci and Saint-Côme Note: This map also includes the end of the Massif trail from the 24th km to the 26.5 km. This portion of the trail is the access to the Capucines refuge during the winter season.Sentier des Perces-Brumes and Sentier de l’Ours
Saint-Côme and Sainte-Émélie-de-l'Énergie Note: Parking fees apply for access to the trails from the Domaine Bazinet outfitter.Sentier de la Matawinie (South sector)
Sainte-Émélie-de-l'ÉnergieSentier de la Matawinie (North sector) et Sentier des Nymphes (West sector)
Sainte-Émélie-de-l'Énergie and ZEC des NymphesSentier des Nymphes
ZEC des NymphesSentier Mistikush
Mastigouche Wildlife Reserve.Chériore Trail
Mastigouche Wildlife Reserve.Parc régional du Lac Taureau
Dépliant-Carte "Informations aux visiteurs 2022" (french only)
General map of the park, including all campsites Summary of the rulesMap of Lac Taureau trails
Map including the multifunctional trails of the Auberge du Lac TaureauInterpretive Trail Panel Map of Île du Village
This document presents the information panel at the beginning of the trail and the map of the islandParc régional de la Forêt Ouareau
NOTE: For a map of the trail to the Capucines and Pont-Supendu refuges during the winter months, see the Contreforts Trail map (National Trail section).
Trail map - Massif and Pont-Suspendu sectors
This map shows the trails and sectors of the Massif and Pont-Suspendu areas. You can find useful information about the park, such as location, lenghts of the trails, etc.Trail map - Ponts Suspendu and Contreforts sectors
This map is also associated with the National Trail, but also gives access to the Capucines and Suspension Bridge refuges (winter only).Campground Map - la Rivière sector
This sector links the Pont-Suspendu and Grande-Jetée sectors.Map of the Matawinie regional parks network
This map presents the National Trail and all the regional parks of Matawinie in two distinct maps. At a glance, you can discover the multitude of activities offered in Matawinie as well as our shelters, our campgrounds …. and much more! Go ahead and “EXPLORE” the Matawinie regional parks!
Download the south map
Download the north map
Our trail maps are available on the Ondago mobile app.
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In collaboration with Rando Québec, Prêt-à-Partir maps have been developed for various trails and stays (1 to 3 days). Available on the National Trail, in the Ouareau Forest and in the Sept-Chutes Park
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